Hello everyone I’m new to Metasound and I’m interested in how you can implement the sound of a car engine, which can be done so easily in Sound Cue. How do I switch between samples. Is there “Crossfade by Param” inside MetaSound?
There is an Audio Crossfade that accepts a float parameter defining the mix between the two audio inputs. The float can be tied to an Input Float parameter that can be controlled by Blueprint with Set Float Parameter.
Switching between samples (wave players) can be done with Trigger Compare with the range based on RPM ranges using Less Than. You would have an input float that would be converted from RPM range to semitones. Then the wave that plays for that range would automatically be triggered.
I’m still working on the same task with simple tests. Thus far, I was unable to get past the lack of a good dynamic pitch shift as the Continuous Modulator provides. Must be a way, but I couldn’t make it work. The Wave Player node doesn’t have enough pitch shift range without making the waves sound bad or using a multitude of samples. Continuous Modulator seems to do the job much more acceptably with just 3 to 5 samples.
The “minigun” tutorial may give a clue how to get the sample to sound good when pitch shifted aggressively as you do with a vehicle engine noise. I haven’t watched that yet to see if that is how their spin up works. If so, may be a solution in it.
Thank you a lot. This is what I need