How to implement randomly generated data structure

I’m trying to make a game that presents the player with a document (lets call it the Document_BP) with randomly generated information, and the player uses an interactive computer actor (named Computer_BP) to search if the information on the document is correct.

My question is, how would you go on about implementing such a system? Would you create a Data Struct that contains all the information and have it set in the Computer actor?, then create a copy of that data struct and randomly change a few variables and have it printed on the Document_BP actor ?

I thought about saving the data struct in something global like a GameInstance and have both the Computer_BP and the Document_BP access the data struct from there? But I’m not sure how to go on about this or what class to use or where to store the data.

If you wouldn’t use a data struct at all, then what would you recommend? I want the system to persist in the game regardless of level and have multiple AIs give different documents each filled with randomly generated information. But the Computer_BP has the ‘correct’ version from which the Document_BP refers to and either has the exact data or has changed a few variables. I’m also thinking that the ‘correct’ version of the data struct should itself also be randomly generated since I don’t want to go through the trouble of filling multiple default values myself.

Sorry for the long post but being a beginner, this seems to be a bit advanced for my level but I still want to be able to tackle it. If I’m not asking the right questions, or i wasn’t clear, don’t hesitate to inform me. Any form of help is appreciated!

As a desing always break down what you thinking if it comes as complex (or thinking that you should do that dynamic structure) and your design nothing in need with dynamic.

First thing comes to my mind is :

[Document Class] will have

  • Pages as List (Page can be [String]), or if you have some structure you can change [String] to [Page])
  • Book Cover
  • Type

What your Computer will have ? SearchFromDocument function, it will have input as your [Document Class].

That search function will go over PageList at your document and search Pages through (maybe Regex). If it founds it will return [Page] class that you can show to user or edit it. Depends on how you design.