I’m having trouble Chaos Vehicle movement replication, when I add and possess a vehicle is very laggy/jerky on the client (server works OK and replicates to clients OK). The client eventually gets kicked off with
Closing connection. Can’t send function ‘ServerUpdateState’ on ‘ChaosWheeledVehicleMovementComponent SportsCar_Pawn_C_0.VehicleMovementComp’: Reliable buffer overflow. FieldCache->FieldNetIndex: 4 Max 5. Ch MaxPacket: 1024.
I tried changing the plugin
UFUNCTION(reliable, server, WithValidation)
void ServerUpdateState(float InSteeringInput, float InThrottleInput, float InBrakeInput, float InHandbrakeInput, int32 InCurrentGear, float InRollInput, float InPitchInput, float InYawInput);
to unreliable and throttling the RPC calls (only sending to the server when the input changes), that fixed the RPC error but connected client replication still didn’t work.
Odd thing is if I combine the Advanced Vehicle and ThridPerson project and use the client to possess the vehicle replication works fine (maybe due to either less RPC traffic or something due to using the default subsystem instead of EOS).
I understand this plugin is still in Experimental, any help would be much appreciated.