How to implement a interactable mirror in unreal to teleport my player to the saferoom/other level using blueprints

How would I go with adding a mirror or glass that teleports the player when interacted with into a saferoom like evil within series? Can I make it with blueprints and attach this blueprint into a static mesh like a mirror? Anyways if anyone can help gladly will appreciate it. Btw, I’m totally new to blueprints so I have no idea what I’m doing, and if anyone can send me a blueprint tutorial on how too work blueprints that’ll be grateful too.

Seems good but the only problem is that what I need is basically to teleport to another level other than that I would like to create it so that a button needs to be pressed in order for the player to go to that saferoom level and an animation plays but this is a good start don’t get me wrong. Thanks for the help Ill see if I can use this. Any tutorials you have in mind that shows what I’m looking for exactly?

You will need 3 elements:

  • a render target to draw captured scene
  • a material to show the render target
  • an actor with a static mesh to show the material a.k.a. the mirror, a capture component and a collision box to drive the teleport logic

Image from Gyazo

In the attached crude example, touching the box teleports the player to the arrow. The elements are in the ThirdPersonBP folder:

I don’t think you can find a tutorial for something like this due to the fact that it’s too simple. Instead of teleporting the player:

You just need a widget with a button. And each mirror can hold a level name in the variable.

Ahhh okay got it, thanks for the help!