I followed this tutorial for the door, but now I want to implement a lock.I want it so the player has to turn on the switch in-order to open the door, but I still want the function of key inputs. Right now, I’m able to open the door by pressing the E key. I want to keep this function, because I don’t want the door to open when the player has turned on the switch. The character won’t be able to open the door using key inputs, but when the switch has been turned on, the character is able to open the door. I was wondering if anyone could help me implement a door lock/switch into my project? Any help will be appreciated.
Here’s the tutorial that I followed for the door. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums.
AkatoshReturns Hi!
You need to read about Blueprint Communications and How To Use Blueprint Communications
Keep me informed of your progress.
Okay, so I’ve tried implementing a door lock, but for some reason you can still open the door without the key. I was wondering if you could tell me why this is happening? Here are a few images of the blueprint scripting.
In blueprint may not work event for the “E” button.
To fix this, modify settings in the blueprints Auto Recive Input from “Disabled” to “Player 0”.
Did that, but still doesn’t work.
No event is being triggered when I walk next to the door lock…is there a way to solve this?
By any chance would you be able to help me out with this water issue that I’m having? https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/195534/why-is-my-character-stuck-in-the-water.html
I’ve fixed the door by the way
So this question was solved? Then i will go ahead an mark the question as resolved. For your other question: Please stick to that question. If someone can help you he certainly will (:
If you still have questions regarding this one, feel free to reopen it.