How to implement a damage indicator in UDK (UE3)

Hello everyone,
I know that UDK is barely alive nowadays, but I have seen some people asking questions and actually receiving helpful answers, so any help will be appreciated.
I want to implement a damage indicator in my udk fps game. Nothing too fancy just like any fps game, a player gets shot an indicator appears pointing at the direction of the enemy. I tried multiple solutions but i still didnt get what i want. I am working on editing and adjusting the default UDK .uc scripts and classes.

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I think you can implement your requirement with functions like below.

function bool IsSameOrInsideInInt( int iStartIn, int iParaIn, int iEndIn ){
  return ( ( iStartIn <= iParaIn ) && ( iParaIn <= iEndIn ) );

function float ConvertDotProduct2Degree( float fParaDotProductIn ){
  //- This function converts dot product to degree.
  //- The return value type is 'DEGREE', not 'RADIAN'!!!!!! >_<
    local float fRet;
    fRet = acos( fParaDotProductIn ) * RadToDeg;
      //- The above sentence has the same meaning as the formula below.
      //  fRet = acos( fParaDotProductIn ) * ( 180.0f / Pi );
  return fRet;

function float GetDegreeInOnlyPlus( float fParaDegreeIn ){
  //- This function converts the value of 'fParaIn' to a value between 0 and 359.9999f.
    local float fRet;
    local bool bNegative40;
    local float fTmp0th50;    
    bNegative40 = ( fParaDegreeIn < 0.0f );
    fTmp0th50 = ( bNegative40 )? -fParaDegreeIn: fParaDegreeIn;
    fTmp0th50 = fTmp0th50 % 360.0f;
    fRet = fTmp0th50;
    if( bNegative40 )fRet = 360.0f - fRet;
  return fRet;

function bool CalcLengthN12HourIndexByProjectileNPlayer(
  out float fLenOfResultOut, 
  out int i12HourIdxOfResultOut,
  Vector vecStartPosOfProjectileIn, 
  Vector vePlayerPosIn, Vector vecPlayerFrontDirIn, Vector vecPlayerRightDirIn
  //- This function calculates the index and length, which means the direction from 
  //  the player's position to the starting position of the projectile.
  //- If ( fLenOfResultOut == 0.0f ), 
  //  the projectile's start position and the player's location are too close to each other to be calculated.
  //  (This rarely happens.)
  //- If ( bRet == TRUE ), it means that the direction and length have been calculated.
  //- The value of 'i12HourIdxOfResultOut' ranges from 0 to 11.
    local bool bRet;
    local Vector vecTmp0th30, vecTmp1st31, vecTmp2nd32;
    local Vector vecTmpGoalDir33;
    local float fTmpGnrDegree50, fTmpPlusDegree51;
    local int iTmpPlusDegree52;
    local int iTmpDivNum53, iTmpDivRemain54;
      bRet = FALSE;
      fLenOfResultOut = 0.0f;
      i12HourIdxOfResultOut = 0;
    vecTmp1st31 = vecStartPosOfProjectileIn;
    vecTmp2nd32 = vePlayerPosIn;
    vecTmp1st31.z = vecTmp2nd32.z;//~ This part treats the height values ​​of two vectors as the same.
    vecTmp0th30 = vecTmp1st31 - vecTmp2nd32;
    vecTmpGoalDir33 = Normal( vecTmp0th30 );
    fLenOfResultOut = VSize( vecTmp0th30 );
    if( fLenOfResultOut >= 1.0f ){
      fTmpGnrDegree50 =
        ConvertDotProduct2Degree( vecPlayerFrontDirIn dot vecTmpGoalDir33 )
        * ( 
          ( ( vecPlayerRightDirIn dot vecTmpGoalDir33 ) > 0.0f )? 1.0f: -1.0f 
      fTmpPlusDegree51 = GetDegreeInOnlyPlus( fTmpGnrDegree50 );
      iTmpPlusDegree52 = int( fTmpPlusDegree51 );
      iTmpDivNum53 = iTmpPlusDegree52 / 30;
      iTmpDivRemain54 = iTmpPlusDegree52 % 30;
      i12HourIdxOfResultOut = iTmpDivNum53;
      if( ( float( iTmpDivRemain54 ) / 30.0f ) >= 0.5f )++i12HourIdxOfResultOut;
      if( i12HourIdxOfResultOut >= 12 )i12HourIdxOfResultOut -= 12;
      if( IsSameOrInsideInInt( 0, i12HourIdxOfResultOut, 11 ) ){
        //fLenOfResultOut => nop. ~ This was already calculated above.
        //i12HourIdxOfResultOut => nop. ~ This was already calculated above.
        bRet = TRUE;
          "KhaSysGiSubRot::CalcLengthN12HourIndexByProjectileNPlayer(): bad ctrl #8534(idx=["$ 
          i12HourIdxOfResultOut $"])...err" 
      fLenOfResultOut = 0.0f;//~ It's too close.
      i12HourIdxOfResultOut = 0;
      bRet = TRUE;
  return bRet;

If you use CalcLengthN12HourIndexByProjectileNPlayer(), you can calculate the direction from 0 o’clock to 11 o’clock that the player of the game was hit by the bullet. The calculated value is stored in ‘i12HourIdxOfResultOut’.

Good luck.