Hello everyone,
I know that UDK is barely alive nowadays, but I have seen some people asking questions and actually receiving helpful answers, so any help will be appreciated.
I want to implement a damage indicator in my udk fps game. Nothing too fancy just like any fps game, a player gets shot an indicator appears pointing at the direction of the enemy. I tried multiple solutions but i still didnt get what i want. I am working on editing and adjusting the default UDK .uc scripts and classes.
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I think you can implement your requirement with functions like below.
function bool IsSameOrInsideInInt( int iStartIn, int iParaIn, int iEndIn ){
return ( ( iStartIn <= iParaIn ) && ( iParaIn <= iEndIn ) );
function float ConvertDotProduct2Degree( float fParaDotProductIn ){
//- This function converts dot product to degree.
//- The return value type is 'DEGREE', not 'RADIAN'!!!!!! >_<
local float fRet;
fRet = acos( fParaDotProductIn ) * RadToDeg;
//- The above sentence has the same meaning as the formula below.
// fRet = acos( fParaDotProductIn ) * ( 180.0f / Pi );
return fRet;
function float GetDegreeInOnlyPlus( float fParaDegreeIn ){
//- This function converts the value of 'fParaIn' to a value between 0 and 359.9999f.
local float fRet;
local bool bNegative40;
local float fTmp0th50;
bNegative40 = ( fParaDegreeIn < 0.0f );
fTmp0th50 = ( bNegative40 )? -fParaDegreeIn: fParaDegreeIn;
fTmp0th50 = fTmp0th50 % 360.0f;
fRet = fTmp0th50;
if( bNegative40 )fRet = 360.0f - fRet;
return fRet;
function bool CalcLengthN12HourIndexByProjectileNPlayer(
out float fLenOfResultOut,
out int i12HourIdxOfResultOut,
Vector vecStartPosOfProjectileIn,
Vector vePlayerPosIn, Vector vecPlayerFrontDirIn, Vector vecPlayerRightDirIn
//- This function calculates the index and length, which means the direction from
// the player's position to the starting position of the projectile.
//- If ( fLenOfResultOut == 0.0f ),
// the projectile's start position and the player's location are too close to each other to be calculated.
// (This rarely happens.)
//- If ( bRet == TRUE ), it means that the direction and length have been calculated.
//- The value of 'i12HourIdxOfResultOut' ranges from 0 to 11.
local bool bRet;
local Vector vecTmp0th30, vecTmp1st31, vecTmp2nd32;
local Vector vecTmpGoalDir33;
local float fTmpGnrDegree50, fTmpPlusDegree51;
local int iTmpPlusDegree52;
local int iTmpDivNum53, iTmpDivRemain54;
bRet = FALSE;
fLenOfResultOut = 0.0f;
i12HourIdxOfResultOut = 0;
vecTmp1st31 = vecStartPosOfProjectileIn;
vecTmp2nd32 = vePlayerPosIn;
vecTmp1st31.z = vecTmp2nd32.z;//~ This part treats the height values of two vectors as the same.
vecTmp0th30 = vecTmp1st31 - vecTmp2nd32;
vecTmpGoalDir33 = Normal( vecTmp0th30 );
fLenOfResultOut = VSize( vecTmp0th30 );
if( fLenOfResultOut >= 1.0f ){
fTmpGnrDegree50 =
ConvertDotProduct2Degree( vecPlayerFrontDirIn dot vecTmpGoalDir33 )
* (
( ( vecPlayerRightDirIn dot vecTmpGoalDir33 ) > 0.0f )? 1.0f: -1.0f
fTmpPlusDegree51 = GetDegreeInOnlyPlus( fTmpGnrDegree50 );
iTmpPlusDegree52 = int( fTmpPlusDegree51 );
iTmpDivNum53 = iTmpPlusDegree52 / 30;
iTmpDivRemain54 = iTmpPlusDegree52 % 30;
i12HourIdxOfResultOut = iTmpDivNum53;
if( ( float( iTmpDivRemain54 ) / 30.0f ) >= 0.5f )++i12HourIdxOfResultOut;
if( i12HourIdxOfResultOut >= 12 )i12HourIdxOfResultOut -= 12;
if( IsSameOrInsideInInt( 0, i12HourIdxOfResultOut, 11 ) ){
//fLenOfResultOut => nop. ~ This was already calculated above.
//i12HourIdxOfResultOut => nop. ~ This was already calculated above.
bRet = TRUE;
"KhaSysGiSubRot::CalcLengthN12HourIndexByProjectileNPlayer(): bad ctrl #8534(idx=["$
i12HourIdxOfResultOut $"])...err"
fLenOfResultOut = 0.0f;//~ It's too close.
i12HourIdxOfResultOut = 0;
bRet = TRUE;
return bRet;
If you use CalcLengthN12HourIndexByProjectileNPlayer(), you can calculate the direction from 0 o’clock to 11 o’clock that the player of the game was hit by the bullet. The calculated value is stored in ‘i12HourIdxOfResultOut’.
Good luck.
The thing is that there are functions that handle the hit indicator in the HUD.uc files and the UTPlayerController.uc files. And the hit indicator texture is implemented within the udk default hud .sfw file but it doesnt work
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You should use ‘UTHUD.uc’ not ‘HUD.uc’.
If you want to solve your problem using ‘UTPlayerController.uc’,
please use UTHUD::DisplayHit().