How to ignore self in EQS?

how to ignore the actor class which is running the EQS query? Eg. if AI Character is running the query to search actor class of AI_Character.

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There’s not direct way of “ignoring querier” in EQS (yet) but you can easily discard the actor that’s “asking” the question by having a filter test “Distance to querier > 1”.



Hey, sorry for the thread necro, but I ran into a similar issue, but I am doing a trace test. I am tracing from my context to some other location and the trace is always hitting the context actor.

Same here, How did you solve it?

i wish this could be added to the engine. seems like a basic functionality.

the way i solved it was by having a test that ignores certain gametags and then add that gametag to the ai.
it’s quite a work though.