How to ignore Ground Static mesh to be detected on component Hit

So I have a Projectile object which starts following a path and stops to follow when it collides or overlaps with anything. Now, I want to ignore the ground static mesh from getting detected.

  • When
    ground’s Collision Enabled ---- Collision Enabled
    Everything stays on top of ground but Projectile detects collision with the ground in the start and stops to follow

  • When
    ground’s Collision Enabled ---- Physic Only (No Query Collision)
    Projectile works fine but ground fails to block hero and hero falls.
    Hero and its Capsule is set to block the Ground Object type. And Ground’s reponse to Hero channel is set to block.

Or should I just go for the simpler solution which would be to create a blueprint class of Ground and when Projectile detects collision I can compare and ignore the Stop follow function. But I need to solve this as I want to ignore some world objects which are simply static mesh and not a blueprint class.

If you read through here, you are awesome and thank you :slight_smile:

Hey @PU_Gamer!

It sounds to me like you need to add another object type, like Static, Dynamic, Pawn, etc!

Follow this link to the documentation to find out more. You will likely want to make a new channel that is similar to Static Mesh in every way EXCEPT it does not block “Projectile”!

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Hey thanks for response.
I have created object type already and ground is using it.
I have carefully set everything in the collision settings as well.

For now I created the ground object as a blueprint and on failed casting to it from projectile I am using to stop the ball for now.

The move to location node had Sweep ticked, instead of teleport.
I am guessing sweep does collision tests as well from its current location to to start of move to location.
Teleport will simply place the object in the world at the start of move to location node.

I am not entirely sure about the sweep and teleport but this worked.

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