Hi All
I’d like to modify an existing function that cycles through the UPrimitiveComponent’s of an actor using GetComponents(). How would I check which one of those is the UStaticMeshComponent? Many thanks for your time!
Hi All
I’d like to modify an existing function that cycles through the UPrimitiveComponent’s of an actor using GetComponents(). How would I check which one of those is the UStaticMeshComponent? Many thanks for your time!
You may be able to do a typecast on the components to UStaticMeshComponent and then null check it.
Implicit typecast? So just initialize a variable of UStaticMeshComponent, use = . If its null it aint it. I’ll try that
Ok, do you mean something like this;
UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp = Components[i];
TSubclassOf* CheckComp = Cast<TSubclassOf > (PrimComp);
Looks like you can do if (PrimComp->IsA(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass())) {}
Yeah that should do it.