How to I dynamically adjust weapon holding positions based on different character skeletal meshes?

Hello everyone,

I’m having little bit of problem here and hoping someone could help me out! I’m implementing a game mechanism which player could play as different characters and player can switch between any character at runtime. Most of these character meshes are from marketplace but they have different proportions to their bone.

So for an example if I retarget my animation to a particular character then i added a weapon which holds perfectly in his hand. But once I switch the character same animation should be playing with the held weapon from before. but the thing is this new skeleton has different bone lengths so animation is messed up and weapon is no longer perfectly fits the hand.

I tried using different retarget options such as using animation data for bone transformations even though it works it makes my character deformed when playing that animation.

Maybe it can be solve by IK(Or dynamic retargeting maybe?), but I have no idea on how to do that for all different weapons and character meshes. If anyone had similar experience on this type of situation please let me know. Thank you!

I ended up using an IK solution to fix this issue :slight_smile: