How to hide controls after going to menu?

When I go to menu the button is still there how can I hide that controls ?

This is the blueprint of my RETURN TO GAME MENU

If your controls are also made with a UMG Widget, it should simply be possible by using the SetVisibility function for these controls.

Can you make example blueprint of that ?

Here’s a simple example triggered from a player blueprint. Main Widget is a UMG Widget Blueprint. If you have the reference to the widget, it is important, that the Variables have checked the Is Variable in the Widget designer, so that the element is accessible - here the IMG Feed Chicken variable.
Now you can set the visibility, e.g. “Collapsed” like in the example. The hover help shows you a description of the available states.

For the “Is Variable”


What I mean is when I play and use my pause menu to return to MAIN MENU. My vehicle controls appear in the menu. I think this was cause by the BP_SUV_CHAOS. How can I remove that pawn when I go back to main menu?