How to Hide a 3D Widget after an interaction key is pressed on a door?

Hey, I’m relatively new to Unreal Engine as a whole, but I’ve been developing a horror game for little over a year now on my own. Progress have been steady the past month as I’ve been able to get the time to work on it more.

My issue is that I have plans to add interactables such as doors, key items, etc. etc. As of now I only have some doors and a flashlight when it comes to this.

As seen in the pictures the Icon shows up when the player walks into the trigger sphere of the door, however once the door has been opened by the player, the Icon in question does not disappear.

My ideal for this instance is this:

  • When a player walks up to the door, the Icon appears in game and will be shown ‘visible’ to said player, and stay shown if the player stays within the box that prompts the 3D Widget.

-When the player presses the button to interact, this being as of right now the ‘E’ key, the door then opens and the 3D Icon goes away for the remainder of the time the player is still within the trigger box of the door.

-Once the Player walks out of/back into the trigger box of the door, the process will reset and the 3D Icon will then re-appear prompting for re-interaction of the door.

Now, the things I have set up with the assets in the picture is a ‘visual representation’ for myself of what I want the Icon to look like when it is placed on the door.
So I know already that nothing is telling the Icon to ‘go away’ in this instance, the Box trigger that opens the door & the sphere that activates the Icon are separate from one another as of right now.

My issue lies in the fact that not matter how much YouTube/Googling I do, I cannot seem to find someone properly setting up a interaction widget in this kind of way no matter how much I browse and look around, so here I am.

Think of it kind of like the interaction prompts of a modern Resident Evil game. I know the doors themselves in the newer RE titles don’t have this prompt, but I know some games do.

If there’s anyone who can point me to a video that explains this in detail, or can show me how to properly set up a Blueprint for this it would awesome!

When the player overlaps, you make the widget visible, you already have that.

I’d make the box trigger also make the widget visible.

When the player interacts, you can hide the widget ( or destroy it ). Job done, no? :slight_smile:

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Maybe have a repnotify that starts a timeline loop to check if overlap exists, and when it doesnt, stop the timer loop?

On interact → disable UI element
On end overlap (trigger box) → Enable UI element