How to have unique parameters not shared across multiple bp instances

I’m using UE5.3.2
I have a blueprint for a door that open with mouse drag and I want to have multiple instances of it on a level.
The first time I click on the door I save the Starting rotation of it. The problem is that it stores this starting rotation for all of my door instances. Or I want each instances to save their own Starting rotation when I first click on them.
Can anyone explain me how to make this work. It’s been a long time since I used Unreal Engine as I’m mostly a Unity dev, but I don’t remember having this kind of problem last time on UE4.

Hi there!

Sounds like you’ve got your input is implemented such that each door listens for the input independently.

You’ll need to discern which door the player is interacting with, and route the input there.


Can you explain a bit more what you mean. As I said it’s been a while since I’ve worked with Unreal and I’m not really familiar with it.
But as I understand it is because of the input. Is it maybe because on start of the blueprint I call the EnableInput node ?

It sounds like each door blueprint is simply listening for the mouse to be clicked.

You need to listen for the mouse being clicked in one place, like on your player pawn, and then decide which door to call your save starting rotation function on

No what I’m doing is listening for the click, then on click i make a linetrace form the player forward to check if there is a door. If there is one and it’s the first time I’ve clicked then I save the StartRotation of this door.

I think code snippets and a video are required now

Sorry for the delay, here are my blueprints

All of the variables on BP_Drag_Door are Instance Editable

And here is a video

Each time the first door I want to open is good but the second door takes the first one start rotation

A little update, I’ve finally managed to make it work, the problem came from the fact that i activated input in the door blueprint and that i was doing the calculation to check if ia was looking at a door also in the door blueprint.

I’ve now moved all that in the player blueprint and everything works perfectly.

I’ve updated the online blueprint if anyone wants to do a similar door.
I’ve also added this one :