Hello! First post, I’m quite a noob so sorry if the question is redundant or poorly phrased but I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere.
The title and video say it all. Just trying to have the player character collide with free-standing cloth such as curtains. Not sure how to go about setting it up. I’ve generated a physics asset for the Quinn Simple skeletal mesh but I’m not sure how to plug it into the cloth’s collision. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the quick reply!
So, I had already applied the ‘Collide With Environment’ and ‘Force Collision Update’ settings to the skeletal mesh of the cloth. Also, applied these same settings to the skeletal mesh of the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter, as seen in the screenshots below.
Originally, with PhysX you couldn’t do this by just using cloth.
Here, you probably hve the same issue.
The character interacts wirh pysics objects.
If your curtain is set up as a skeletal mesh with bones, colliders, and a very light cloth paint, you can get very realistic results - just like you would have with PhysX.
Performance for it, is however just going to be bad - since chaos performance is bad.
Anyway, collide with world collides with Static objects.
Last I checked a skeletal mesh character is not static.
So, look for other collider options within the cloth settings…