Im making a game in blueprints which has a rolling ball as the pawn, and some other components parented to the ball as i need them to follow it precisely, Heres how its set up:
All the other components are parented the the ControlCube, which in turn is parented to the ball
Problem is when the ball rotates during movement everything (most notably the camera) goes crazy since its using the same rotation. What i want is for the ball to roll as it needs to, but for the rotation of ControlCube (and its children) to be driven only by player input, and only for the yaw. Iv been experimenting with as many different ideas to stop the other components from using the balls rotation, and im sure its gonna be something really simple iv missed, but so far i havent found the right solution. Hoping someone here could point me in the right direction?
EDIT: Iv realised im essentially trying to recreate the camera from the rolling ball template, where the spring arm and camera are directly parented to the ball, but dont roll around like crazy when the ball moves. Just cant figure out where im going wrong with the settings.
If you have a RootComponent which Transform will be manipulated all it’s Children must go through the same procedure.
I would suggest that you make a Setup like followed:
Hey McStrife, thanks for the response! I tried what you suggested but it doesnt quite solve my problem. I have a temporary solution similar to this, but because ControlCube is not parented directly to the ball, it lags behind the ball and causes issues as shown in this picture (it starts off worse and slowly catches up, but its noticeable during play).
ControlCube is just a basic cube static mesh component that im using as a parent for all the components i want to follow the ball but use different rotation, saves me having to try and set them up individually if they all copy transforms from the cube. Itll be set to hidden in game, but visible just now for testing purposes