How to have motion warping & weapon collision to have defender's sword block an attacker's sword

Hello fellow UE Devs!

I am trying to find good reference material (Youtube video or Unreal Engine Documentation) that can get my team started in the right direction on figuring out the following scenario:

  1. You have your player character with a melee weapon. Enemy NPC gets close and swings his sword at you.
  2. You press “block” which triggers a block animation with your weapon, but its not just a generic block animation, the animation will also try to move the defenders sword to meet and physically block the attacker’s sword.

The way I think conceptually this would work would be to add a bone in both the defender and attacker’s swords. Bone on Defender’s sword would be called Block Bone and Bone on Attacker’s sword would be called Attack Bone.
Then, (somehow) you tell the engine, when block is pressed do the following:
1st: Start the block animation
2nd: have the Block Bone meet the Attack Bone.
3rd: Trigger animation warp to do this
4th: attempt to do this for .5 seconds and if you can’t then pull back the animation/warp back into idle. **This would stop the attempted block if it didn’t connect within 1 seconds after hitting block in case you did a bad block and the enemy hit you.

Question to the community:
a. Is this the best way to think about this? or is there a more efficient solution for what Im trying to do?
b. Any reference material you guys can point me to?

Thank you so much!