How to have different button clicks events per child widget


I am trying to set up a collectible menu where you click on the button and it changes a widget on the right side. I have data assets that contain the name, description, thumbnail etc. In the Parent widget I select how many I want via an array.

As above I can currently only pull the name where I am creating each child.

My question is, as I have 2 separate widgets, how would I get the data from the data asset to dynamically set this widgets’; image, name and description by clicking on the Audio Tape buttons?

so I managed to get the button click to respond by adding this event dispatcher but I still can’t figure out how to get the description per child. Is it even possible to do something like this?

Hello @DarkEmbrace96 ,

Actually I’m not having a full understanding about what you want to do, so I want to clarify something. Is this what you are trying to achieve:

  1. IF you click FIRST button, the FIRST row in the data table data will shown in the right side
  2. IF you click THIRD button, the THIRD row in the data table data will shown in the right side

if that is what you want to do, what you can do is store your button index to the “AudioTape” button widget. Then if the button is clicked, you need to get the data from data table, based on that button index you already set.

if this is not the case please correct me!

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Hi @ImAGoodSpoon1
thanks for the reply, took me a while to figure out but I actually managed to achieve what I was trying to do via a string of event dispatchers all passing the data
here’s all the graphs I think for anyone that’s interested.

sorry to drag this up again but now I’m trying create a widget above the children that are of that level to display the level or Act that they are associated with. The collectible Data Assets all specify the level they belong to with either a string or integer.

Basically the row would look something like.

Level 1 (Child widget)

  • AudioTape01 (Index 1)
  • AudioTape02 (Index 1)

Level 2 (Child widget)

  • AudioTape03 (Index 2)
  • AudioTape04 (Index 2)
  • AudioTape05 (Index 2)

Level 3 (Child widget)

  • AudioTape04 (Index 3)
