I am new to unreal and I have some issues here
I want to be able to spawn stars from left to right each time I say a word correctly via Speech to Life plugin. The thing is it keeps stacking on top of each other every time I say a word correctly.
Is there a way I can create a permanent delay after the first star spawns so it does nothing until the next branch is true?
When you want something to happen in response to an event, you are looking for a delegate. In blueprints this is called the Event Dispatcher.
Using delays is not a good thing. As you phrase it “having a permanent delay until” would also be a bad thing because the delay would either never quit on failure, or it would hang the current frame forever (a while loop must finish in the same frame). So you are looking for delegates
Your comment gave the idea to use switches instead, which worked wonderfully.
I really don’t like how there are no official ways to perform functions in any specific order I want haha.