how would i be able to have a spline with multiple points have a different mesh at each point, using the track generator blueprint would be most helpful 4.7
You’ll have to set the spline mesh at each point. You could use an array of static meshes and read the index at each point. I have a bit of randomization instead of directly setting each spline mesh.
the spline points are un editable on the track generator im looking for a way around it
So I did try your method of having an array of static meshes and to set the static mesh based on the index of associated with the spline. But when I bake lighting I get an error saying Static Mesh actor has NULL static Mesh Property
Instead of following the track generator example, you will have to create a method of dynamically creating the track given a set of input points. This will allow you to generate separate spline mesh components between your input points. Each spline mesh component can have a separate static mesh applied to it.
We do this by creating a ‘spline mesh’ actor that manages the creation of the point to point spline mesh components. This actor is placed in the level where we are going to create a track, set of roads, guard rails, fences, or whatever we need a multipoint spline mesh.
On the level we add ‘spline position’ actors that are the ‘spline’ points the track should follow. These record the desired world location of a desired ‘spline point’, roll, a static mesh to apply from this point to the next point, and which point comes next in the spline construction.
During construction of the ‘track actor’, it finds all ‘track position’ actors and sorts them based on an order variable set by the track designer. It then creates an array of SplineMeshComponents based on the number of ‘spline position’ actors found. As each component is created we set the start and end locations to the current and next ‘track position’ actors and generate smooth tangents. Then we set the static mesh of the component. (This is where you could set individual point to point static meshes).
This method allows us to move and reorder the ‘spline positions’ in the level editor and have the track actor handle adjusting the spline mesh components to the new positions or order.
I misspoke. This is a more advanced concept built on top of concept of the track generator.