Hello, I have in my game a place to produce ammo pack. When an ammo pack is produced, it falls on the ground.
When two ammo packs overlapped, they stack. One taking the ammos of the other.
It works in most cases, but there are still some bugs. I think that the best way to fix them is to make only one overlap execution for both ammo pack.
Currently, by testing, it seems that both overlap event triggers simultaneously. I tried to put a boolean that is checked and set when one is overlap to avoid this other to execute (using a branch), but it doesn’t work.
How can I trigger the overlap event of only one of the two ammo packs when they overlap ?
The one that is already set to a surface (landed) is the anchor. It should take the ammo of the other. If both are moving the one closest to world floor becomes the anchor and take the ammo of the other.