How to handle all of the keyboard's keys for chat functionality within a game?


I’ve been exploring UE4’s capabilities by creating game components. One of the things on my list to try and create was a chat system. I’m trying to set up something in blueprints, but I can’t seem to get around setting up every single key press event and tying them into chat functionality.

So I guess my question is, does anyone have any advice or idea on how to handle all the keyboards keys for chat functionality within a game? Preferably in blueprints, but if there’s no other way, I’ll go for a C++ solution.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Could this help?

I’m looking into it. I did actually come across that post before, but I dismissed it because it seemed to deal only with the editor. After taking a closer look, I see I was wrong :slight_smile: Thanks

Thanks, extending the viewport client class turned out to be the answer after all :). I set up a multi cast delegate to tell my game whenever a key is pressed.