I would like to create a teleportation procedure in which also the rotation of the player character (and therefore the location of child components/actors) is changed. I’m using the blueprint node Set Control Rotation to adjust both Controller and Character Actor rotation. Directly after that step I want to perform a calculation which depends on a child component’s location and the location of another actor in the level.
I figured out that Set Control Rotation triggers an update of the Actor rotation and the child components’ location (as desired) but that this update is not immediately executed: If I use Get World Location of the child component (e.g., as input for printing it as string) directly after setting control rotation it yields its old location as result. Only when using Get World Location delayed, the correct, new location is returned.
The Exec pins of Set Control Rotation and the node using the result of Get World Location are connected in the correct order (Set Control Rotation first, then Print String with Get World Location as pure input).
Is it possible to force my calculation not to start before Set Control Rotation has also set the child components’ locations accordingly? I do not want to add any random delays - I just want to make sure the actions triggered by the blueprint nodes will be executed sequentially (as the connected Exec pins suggest).