I have been following this tutorial here, I’m trying to make a game mechanic where when the player picks up an item it will be logged into a journal. Kinda like the journal mechanic in Uncharted.
The current problem is the item found won’t stay in the journal if I don’t have the journal open when I pick it up. 2023-12-07 14-04-50.mkv (6.4 MB)
You invalidate the reference. When you open the journal next time, you instead create a brand new journal widget, which will have nothing in it. The old journal with the entry will be destroyed.
Just hide the journal. This SET node at the bottom has to go!
The old journal with the entry will be destroyed.
This is actually not true; this is, in fact, leaking memory. You keep adding those journal widgets to the viewport which will not let the Garbage Collection system swoop in and release memory.