How to give our game to someone else to play

I have developed a game and i want to give it for test like in software/app version in dekstop and m done with doing shipping and pakaging project and all got the game in my dekstop and i want to know how can i give it to someone m not able to give it i tried drive to they unable to install it pls help

Hey @ReavenNinja! Welcome to the forums!

Generally speaking, for PC you should zip all of the files and send them over a secure password protected service. (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc). Once there they need to unzip the files and run it. What sort of problems are you running into in the latter half?

Any additional specifics can go a long way in solving the problem!

Hey Quetzalcodename!
The problem that i was facing you already solved it i didnt made a zip file and thats why only 3 applications were there and i want able to upload any folder! thx a lot
