I have this simple projectile hit detection on my mesh, and I want to have standard hit in addition to zone specific hits, leg/chest/arm/etc. I have my mannequin covered with 19 collision capsules/boxes set to overlap only for each area I wanted to cross reference against my mesh Event Hit
. It is possible, but very ugly, to accomplish what I want with a branch for each specific region, but what I was wondering is if there was some clean efficient way to pull the capsule in which the the projectile landed on the mesh.
Hello Kebtiz,
You shouldn’t need all of those capsules/boxes that you’ve created as long as your Physics Asset for the Skeletal Mesh has these set up already. If so, you should be able to use the hit result to get the BoneName and BoneLocation to do your zone-based collision. You can see an example of this being used [here][1], although it is in code.
Okay, thank you, I hadn’t thought to use physics asset.