How to get transformation data of a secondary component in deformer graph.

I am experimenting with deformerGraph, trying to implement a ray cast deformer. I managed to get it working with the collider being a second skeletonMeshComponent under the primary skeletonMesh component. One limitation is that position information from the SkinnedMesh node is local, thus the secondary skeletonMesh component needs to be in the same location as the primary.

I am wondering if anyone know how to pass the transformation matrix for the secondary skeletonMesh component into the deformer graph so that I can calculate the proper position data for the collider?

Hi jsneo82,

I am working on a small project which seems very similar to your “collider being a second skeletal mesh component”, I add a secondary component binding but the editor keeps crashing once I compile the graph. Could you please show me how to add a second component binding correctly?