How to get to combat idle transition then back to idle after unfinished combo or finished combo?

Hi. I am new to Unreal Engine. Currently I am studying about 3rd person fighting combo system, however, I am stuck at the part of making transition of idle to combat-idle state after a combo or finished combo, and then back to idle state after the character starts moving or ending time remaining function in transition rule.

I had tried different ways to get into combat-idle state(with triggering anim-notify in each combo) but it wont get back to idle state instead just shown combat-idle state. Is there any tips and solution to solve this situation? Thank you for your attention meantime trying my best to solve the issue.

Here is the tutorials’ references I have taken:

Combo in character’s blueprint

I tried this but seem useless (which is being stuck at combat idle state constantly)

About the combat idle to idle state rule I followed the 2nd video tutorial.

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