I have created a timer that counts down from 30 to 0 and when it hits 0 the game quits out. The problem is I need the timer to start when the player first fires instead of starting as soon as the level loads.I have included the current blueprint I have that works when the level loads.
Dont use event tick,use only the trigger. And you don
t need the first branch.
Tzaks, I tried that but unfortunately, the timer didn’t start on the first pull of the trigger. Is there any other way to make this work?
That’s a bit confusing, you should use a gate instead of the branch, delete the delay. Set the gate to start closed, connect the pin from presset to Open
Gate and connect the Tick to the Enter
pin on the Gate, that should work.
Hope that helps, cheers.
I appreciate the tip but unfortunately, that didn’t work either. If there is any other way to do this I would appreciate it dearly
I’m beginning to believe that what I want to do isn’t possible to do. I tried that last example and it didn’t work either. The problem with all of the solutions is that when I pull the trigger the timer doesn’t start.
I’ve just tried it and it works.
Put a print string node after the Trigger event and see if it prints. If it doesn’t print, make sure that Auto Receive Input is set to Player 0 in the Class Defaults of your blueprint, under the Input category.
Also make sure you don’t have that trigger input being used elsewhere, if you do, click the node and uncheck “Consume Input” in its details.
If it still doesn’t work, then are you actually using a MotionController, or do you need the trigger event for a normal gamepad?
I have the same blueprint but because it is an actor that is a display I need to set the text for every second it is counting down and there is no way to do that in the blueprint you created. I am making a VR game using the HTC Vive so print strings don’t work with the headset. I tried adding my set text after the decrement int node but it did not update the display in the game.
Here it is modified to set the text. You’re going to have a hard time testing things if you can’t use print strings bud, try it without the Headset to figure out what the issue is. It sounds like the input event isn’t doing anything. Forget the Vive for a second, put a different input in like, E, or left mouse, and see if that works for you. If it does then you know what the problem is.
also, make sure you have Looping checked on that Set Timer, and the time at 1.
yeah, there is definitely some other underlying issue. I know the motion controller technology and the whole VR game development scene is still new so I’m just gonna set the timer to have extra time for the player to complete tasks before they pull the trigger. Thanks for the help