How would I go about either getting a pointer/reference to the Rotator of an Actor/SceneComponent OR Some way to change only a single Value(pitch/yaw/roll) of a Rotator of a scenecomponent/actor, without touching the others?
You’re not supposed to change specific component directly through indirection. Here’s what you’re supposed to do:
FVector NewPos = Actor->GetActorLocation();
NewPos.Z = 1.0f;
Same for Rotators
FRotator NewRot = Actor->GetActorRotation();
NewRot.Yaw = 30.0f;
You can keep references to actors (preferably through a uproperty variable), and then Get/Set locations/rotations as needed, but not references to single parameters of location or rotation. ‘Yaw’, ‘Pitch’ and ‘Roll’ are not how those values are stored internally for an FRotator. Eulers are used because it’s understandable for users, as opposed to quaternion components.
Ah, thank you for explaining that. Still a bit new to Unreal.