How to get the key of an input action inside a context

I have tried these two methods it always gives me null except of giving like the key which i have set to “F” anyone has ideas what i can do to fix this (i am using UE 5.5.1)

I even tried this method still got “None”

Hey @UnrealGweam! Welcome to the forum!

Do you think you could try to explain a little more? I’m not quite sure what it is you’re trying to do, I thought maybe you want the mapped key but you’re saying it always gives you null except when it gives you the key? Do you think you could reword it a bit?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Basically, i am trying to get the key of the “IA_Item_Pickup” in a name or text or a string variable because i want it more easily updated or when a player changes the controls it self updates as i use the variables for my widgets (this code is inside a custom blueprint)

i hope this explanation helps

yes i want the mapped key in a text name or string form

Does your code labeled “Get Key from the input system” Not work? What does it return? If it returns null that means nothing is mapped to it.

Try this instead, on that comment box: