I have some blueprints scattered across my map and in each one they do some sphere traces, if the trace is successful then it’s supposed to drop a tree at that location.
The problem is that the OutHitLocation is given in local space, I tried to add the BP actor location to the OutHitLocation which almost worked BUT most of the blueprints are rotated so that also throws off the placement of my trees.
There should be an easy way to get the local vector in that BP and just convert it to world space, but I can’t figure out how.
I can confirm that IF I subtract the OutHitLocation by the self Actor location and use that value in the MakeTree function AND the BP is at 0, 0, 0 rotation then it does create a tree exactly where it is supposed to.
When I run the code as it is in the picture (without subtracting the self ActorLocation) then it spawns the trees waaaaaay off.
I think in explaining this I even confused myself, let me know if you need any more info/screenshots.