How to get the First Person Bp working on my project

Hello, let’s go head first into the problem.

So I am making a game, specifically a first-person puzzle game. and I’m trying to use the First Person BP template in my pre-made project. and yes it is too late for me to just make a new project, I also tried migrating the main project over with no success.

Sorry if this was a little vague, thanks. - CyberpunkRevolt

There are two ways :

  1. you can create a new game mode and set your pawn in the default pawn …and set that game mode as default game mode .
  2. Or you can put your First Person BP in the world and then select that bp in the world and then in its details setting find Auto posses …change it to player 0 from disabled and you are set to go.
    If Your problem is resolved from this solutions …then cheers otherwise please provide screenshots of the problem

do you have the pawn set as your default in your gamemode?