How to get the display name of a player?


Is it possible to get the name of a given player/character yet?



o/ from code no, you can reference player name in Hud Message Device using {playername}


Thanks. That’s unfortunate, hopefully it’s something that will eventually be available in code.

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Is this still unavailable ? can’t find anything

Yep, still not avaible

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it will be very helpful if this is implemented, i’m trying to reference and print player name but it is not available.

It’s limitations are ridiculously simple and usual. Really should know it’s something all Devs would like to take advantage of

I’m waiting too… Hope they be aware that many of us need this

Adding my +1 for this. Just spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out how to get the Player name.


MakeAgentName<localizes> (Agent:agent):message= "{Agent}"

This does not seem to work. Just keeps giving me back “Anonymous[256]”

Do you have streamer mode on?

No. I’m having the same output. It’s 256 for me as well.

That could be due to the player having Anonymous mode on, no solution for that

it’s not anonymous mode causing it. Same result with anonymous mode disabled.

Still in 2024 not possible?

hi @SG Sensei ,
There is a need to test if the Agent is a real Fortnite Character or an AI Agent

[Feature request] Get player name in Verse

Actually, you can display the username of a player shortly, with the logs showing on screen during UEFN Sessions (under the EDIT MODE UI top left)

If you open the actual LOG, the names will display as Anonymous[xxx], so you have to be quick to take a look at it.

GetAgentName<localizes>(Agent:agent)<computes>: message = "{Agent}"

    Username : message = GetAgentName(Agent)

This is the only way I have gotten it to work, I haven’t really played around with it much (e.g. UI etc.)