How to get the dataAsset element in the array?

I created two DataAssets, “Attachments” and “Weapons”,
where “Weapons” has an array of “Attachments”,

The attachment DataAsset contains the image mode like this:

This is the idea I suddenly got for the weapon system . I can get things of the attachments that are available in each weapon ,but I am very confused about how to refer to the attachment DataAsset in weapons…:face_with_spiral_eyes:

I’m not sure I understand the question, can’t you just for example do Get Available Attachments → Get Item → Get Socket to get the socket for that attachment?

Thanks Reply ! I am referencing Available Attachments in weapon DA in other blueprints ,After this node i can only “get” or “for each loop”

I thought that’s what you needed. In your example, Get(0) would return the DA_Scope attachment data asset

Yes, I think so, I don’t know how to get the image and model inside the scope after get

You should be able to just do Get Image, if the type of the array is that of your data asset. If it’s not for some reason, then you need to cast the result of get to your data asset’s type. So if your data asset is of type AttachmentDefinition then just do Cast to AttachmentDefinition and you will be able to get the variables. So to make it easy for you, just make sure that your Available Attachments array is of the same type as your attachment data assets

Yes, you are absolutely right. I cast to dataasset type after the for each loop, and then get its picture, lol, it worked!
I got confused about where the data came from before casting to type……

Thank you so much and wish you all the best !