Hey Guys!
I’m currently searching for a solution of the following problem:
I have a StaticMeshActor (a Cube) with a very easy Material. This just has a simple texture which represents the “Net” of the cube as base color and thats it. Here is the texture and the cube:
I managed to calculate the 3D-positions of the vertices of the triangles of the StaticMesh.
What I want to do now, is to determine in which triangle of the StaticMesh, the pixels of the texture lie in.
My idea was the following: I just calculate the 2D-coordinates of the vertices of the UV-mapping of the StaticMesh (there is only one UV-channel, also no Lighting-channel…).
Then i can easily calculate in which triangle the pixels lie in. Here is my UV-mapping:
My Problem is that i dont know how to get these coordinates. Is there some library for it?
And also if not, do you have other ideas to solve this problem?
Hope I explained it understandable. Thank you!