How to Get Struct into A New Blueprint

This image below is right after the player is destroyed. The Store event is called and as seen below the value is received.

Thus, the SaveGame event shouold trigger.

I clicked Stop. Clicked Play again, and no game loaded apparently because I printed the CT value but it remained the same value: 1.

Hmm, I’m quite sure the problem is the code in the map BP. Try adding some print nodes all over the place to see if any of them don’t fire.

If all store events fire, but the others don’t, then it could be the reference you’re giving. What is “new var 1”? Why not use ZZZZ like the store event?

I really have no idea anymore. I’m confused. Probably the only way for me to help anymore would be to directly do it myself haha x|


Nope, just one. SavedInventory. I save the player inventory in SavedInventory, and I load SavedInventory and assign the player inventory using it.

Highly suggest reading the SaveGame documentation

It’s definitely that SaveGame and LoadGame aren’t triggering.

My Inventory is just being SET to itself. I see you have Inventory and Saved inventory.

How can I fix this? It might be the only issue, since it seems like my events should trigger.

Do you have two variables in your saveGame?
Inventory and SavedInventory? of class struct (array)?

Well, I have my information successfully stored, but nothing happens with the SaveGame and LoadGame. I tried testing with print but neither SaveGame nor LoadGame will print a value that I get when I break the struct that is created with those integer values when Store event is completed.

Final blueprint:

If you know why my data is not being saved, nor loaded, all help would be greatly appreciated.

Would this work for saving Inventory?

How can I retrieve Inventory in my savegame blueprint, then access my savegame blueprint so save and load this Inventory with its data?