Hello atm I am attempting to make a pirate ship where you are able to sail around and fire volley of left and right cannons with left and right mouse buttons respectively by going through an array (converted from a set of cannon base classes) of and triggering their FIRE event.
The shooting of the cannonballs is done by using the spawn actor node within the cannon base actor class. The cannonball projectile actors spawn in the correct location (Arrow Component world location) on the correct cannons however they shoot at the same angle even though I pass their respective world transforms into them. I honestly dont know how to fix it and atm im out of ideas as i’m very new to unreal.
Cannon Viewport set up
Cannon event graph for firing
Cannon shooting inputs
Weird angle shooting example (two cannon balls going in the same direction)
Any help would be very much appreciated i most likely did a fundamenental mistake somewhere along the way that i wasnt aware of.