I want to run Level Sequence animations in blueprint because I need to track whether current relevant animation is ended. I created Level Sequence Player in blueprint and run it during PIE, but the animation itself is not visible on my Character. The sequence is working, because I receive notifications from Track Event within the Sequence
I guess it doesn’t work because I didn’t bind corresponding Contril rig. I’m following this documentation to dynamicaly bind Actor to Sequence. But the problem is that I receive this error when bound and try to play my sequence during game
" Warning: Test_Sequence SequenceEvent__ENTRYPOINTTest_Sequence_DirectorBP MyCharacter_BP_C_0 Failed to trigger event: Cast to SkeletalMeshActor failed."
Ho can I get SkeletalMeshActor of my current Character which I am playing with?
Thanks for the response. I may misinterpret your solution, but it is similar what I do. The difference only is that I bound events within Sequencer, not Blueprint. Events are working good in my case, I’m experinecing an issue with applying transformations from my Sequence to the current character during game.
Found a solution. Instead of creating Level Sequence with Drag and Drop of Control rig to level viewport and then trying to play back this sequence in Blueprint, I created ActorSequenceComponent and created desired sequence in Bluperint’s Sequencer. Followed this doc Actor Sequence Component | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation It sets needed SkeletalMeshActor automatically.