How to get/set a Montage Asset's slot name

I have an extremely tedious task of changing all my anim montages to use a different slot. This should be a perfect candidate for automation, but I’m not finding anything in the API reference that suggests how I might change the slot name.

In the screenshot below, you can see the task I want to automate:
change the slot name from DefaultGroup.DefaultSlot to DefaultGroup.Idle


This is not available from the Asset Actions > Property Matrix, so my last hope is Python.

Can someone direct me to the docs that describe how to set the slot name?

some kind of object graph or reference for the internal hierarchy of an animMontage would also be helpful.

Hey did you have any luck with this? I’m trying to create an Asset Action Utility Script

Almost one year later, I have the same problem. With seemingly no way to automate this.