I have a simple outline post processing material that looks fantastic at r.ScreenPercentage 100
, but at r.ScreenPercentage 50
completely falls apart. The actual size of the “pixels” or fragments that are rendered is larger with a lower screen percentage, so I would need my sample offsets to be larger accordingly. How can I access the ScreenPercentage in a post process material?
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I don’t think you can, but you can pass it as a parameter to a material instance of this PP or, more easily as part of a material parameter collection
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Okay I had a suspicion that that was going to be the only way to do it, though I was hoping there was a material node way. What node do I use to access ScreenPercentage in blueprints?
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Well, if the user is changing the screen percentage, you’re in control of that, and know what it is…
I had a quick google, looks like it’s done with the console commands node, so you can just keep track of it.
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