How to get rid of "Screen Size" and "LOD" debug messages when using groom

Hi everybody. I have some cinematic footage I desperately need to render involving a groom and the sequencer, but Unreal has decided to print some kind of debug message on the screen whenever the camera is pointed at a groom. I’ve tried every way I know to get rid of it, as it shows up in exported footage. Where is the option or what is the console command to disable this? It shows up in any viewport with a groom in it.

Did you solve it?

Found this: " disable all screen messages, you must simply open up the Console (you can do this using the ` key) and type in “DisableAllScreenMessages”. "

Tried using the “DisableAllScreenMessages” and the debug message still showing.

After doing some Googling, found this working solution:

To hide the debug message, simply close your Groom asset inspector tab/window. Hope it helps.

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