How to get "Retarget Animation" option in unreal 5.4 ?

I followed a tutorial for retargeting animations in the new unreal 5.4 version. But I found out that for some reason after i right click on any animation sequence then i am missing the “retarget animation” option… On this tutorial there was a plug in called “Motion Trajectory” which is activated. So now i don’t know why i don’t see the “retarget animation” option like on this tutorial which on my side is just missing.

and this is how it looks on the tutorial:

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Hey @catz111! That is strange!

Did you try using the search bar on the options? I just got a fresh download of 5.4.1, and mine looks like his, but it should be based on priority of use- so if you use it more it shows up more and there are likely a limited number of options in that submenu. Try the search bar and see what happens! :slight_smile:

Also, try right clicking one of the animations that came with the project, fresh. See if that gives a different menu!

Yes, i tried to manually search for it but it is still not there :frowning:

Weird! Can you post a link to the tutorial? I’ll give it a look over and see what’s going on!

Maybe something is wrong with my Unreal version ? I have 5.4 i think and not 5.4.1

to be honest i didn’t do any of it. I just skipped to 3:52 and there i found out that i’m missing the retargeting option thats all…

So, I can confirm that:

In 5.4, it is there. In 5.4.1, it is there.

In every version I can remember and I started around 4.15… It’s always been there.

I’m going to assume it has something to do with another plugin, if you’ve enabled any other animation-based plugins. That’s been a pretty core part of Unreal Engine for a long time.

Maybe before that, try it on the base animations. If you don’t have them in that project, you’ll have to make a new project and make sure to include starter content! Then it’ll be under Characters->Mannequins->Animations->Manny.

Hmm i just fresh installed Unreal 5.4… I had this “Motion Trajectory” plug in installed and i just tested it without this plug in but nothing changes.

But i just found out switching to a different project fixes the issue. As it seems there must be some problem on this particular Project i am currently working on (Project was acctually on 5.1 and i just “converted” it to 5.4) Is there anything else i could try ?

At least i know now that this happens only on this project so problem must be related to it as it seems.

Ohhhh, interesting.

I would try this: Go to mixamo, grab the SAME file as before, and import it in 5.4 using “reimport with new source” or maybe “reimport with new file” or just “reimport.”

I’m wondering if maybe it has to do with the import process from Mixamo. Of course, if you’ve done this since upgrading to 5.4 that’s not going to solve anything.

Just ran into this issue as well. 5.4.1 in a vanilla version of the Cropout sample project. Tried right clicking on an animation sequence, but there is no option to retarget.

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Figured it out for Cropout. For some reason the IKRig plugin is disabled in that project, which is needed for the retargeter to function, so I just deleted this in the project’s .UPROJECT file:

		"Name": "IKRig",
		"Enabled": false
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Oh nice i will try that later ty!

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@WILDLAND-IA-DEV Alternatively, you can enable the IKRig plugin.

@catz111 Instead of deleting part of the .UPROJECT file, you might be able to just enable your IKRig plugin!

To test it, I disabled IKRig plugin on one of my 5.4.1 projects, and it removed the retarget option, so it’s possible that enabling this might fix your issue!


Indeed this plug in was all the time just deactivated :joy:

I now after activating it can finally see the “retarget animation” option!

Thx a lot guys :v:

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