Hi, i’m new, and this is my first project. I have some spawners in the level (one in each corner for example), and i want to only when the player gets near the spawner, only that spawner spawn the enemie. I made this but it don’t work well
With what i have now, the enemies only spawn if i´m in range a spawner, but they spawn in the others spawners to. If someone can help i appreciate, thanks.
Each object should be responsible for its own thing. If you have a spawner, make it spawn things. Avoid relaying on the Level Blueprint as much as you can, no matter how tempting it is. It’s a death trap worse than a spider spawner. :o
Regarding me insulting the Level Blueprint - I exaggerate, it sure has its uses. You can use it as a manager if this level has some unique functionality.
If I wanted to choose a random spawner and have it create a monster regardless of the player being close by:
a new Custom Event in the Spawner blueprint hooked up to the same nodes as its timer
Thank you very much, is working really nice now. I will adapt the other things to this new spawner, i don’t think there will be problems. Once again, thank you very much!