How to get proper mouse input on a 3D widget component?

Hi guys,
I have been working with UE for a while now and I have some troubles with my current task.
I have also followed some tuts (shoutout to Ryan Laley) when it comes using event dispatchers to send back info to a BP that uses a widget component. I am aware that there is also the widget interaction component that I would mainly use with first person games but I do use fixed cams that I do blend between an “exam camera” and the the previous one. That is my basic setup. :slight_smile:

So here is my issue: Mouse input is not working, but keyboard is (like numpad). And this used to appear very random. Furthermore, mouse cursor disappears when pressing LMB

Thats my current setup on the keypad widget itself:

Here is a little “fix” on the tick (inside the widget) to get my mouse cursor back and to set focus if it gets lost. Ticks are not good, I know. If I avoid using this code then I am back to have mouse input randomly working (like only a few buttons, but not all) and of course the focus issues if I click outside the 3d widget component.

Here is the BP the widget component is attached to:

The parent class of BP handles the box overlap in order to allow input from the player as well as a time freeze function (which might be a requirement). Some things may not be best practice but feel free to correct me here :slight_smile:
I had it working at times but the input was lost because of focus issues (like clicking outside the widget the cam is pointing at) and at times only one half of the widget was registering hover inputs on the buttons. Right now, if I would use a widget interaction I would need to double click on the buttons in order to get a response which is totally weird and I dont understand why that is.

As for the current setup, keyboard/gampad input is overriden on the widget that has focus, while the BP only handles the main interaction and (possibly) unlocks doors later on. My guess is that either the input mode(game,ui) or the focus stuff is not really working properly. I kinda went back and forth with different methods (like the interaction, ui mode only, etc) but with no sucess or when it was working, then only randomly.

Thanks in advance for any advice, possible solutions. This is really a headbanger.
