How to Get Position(world) of finger from LeapMotion?

When I use BluePrint to get the Tip Postion of finger,and use Print to print the Position.But I found that the position is relative to the HardWare(LeapMotion). How can I get the World Position of finger in the world of UE4?

I solved 80% of this problem with the steps:
1.I found a BP “LeapAnimBodyConnector” under LeapMotion\Content\Blueprints\LeapConnectors,and thought the actor “DefaultModeSprite” is the LeapMotion Hardware. vector(50,0,-50) offset the camera.

  1. so I use Got the camera thransform and translate the (50,0,-50) to get the Position of LeapMotion,the rotation of LeapMotion is same as camera,so I can get Leapmotion transform.
  2. the hand and fingers were tracking,so I use Leapmotion transform to translate the bone position and direction.

4.use debug sphere drawing to show the position of finger.!!! when i use keboard to move my character and use mouse to rotate the camera, the sphere was still follow the finger!

5.Finally,I found that the sphere always 1~2cm offset from the bone. I can`t find the reason of offset.why? is it the wrong scale of my true hand with the mesh&skeleton ? or some bug of LeapMotion.
By the way, the LeapMotion equipment was the HP keyboard on my desk,not VR.

Sad to see that until this very day there seemingly has not been made progress on this :frowning:

I too have a hard time getting the index finger´s tip world space location, so if anyone has a better solution than what I hacked together here please let us know :slight_smile: