How to get particle preview back when drag dropping them in the map?

Hi there,

I was able to get the particles playing as soon as i drag dropped them in my map. But now for some strange reason they wont play anymore when they are dragged and dropped into the map, i have to press ‘play’ or ‘simulate’ in order to see them. This makes particle editing more difficult. Also, i made a spark emitter with collision on my bullet hit effect i made yet no matter how i code my collision, it wont work anymore, it will work only if i drag drop them in the space and press play, then the bullet hit effect plays along with its sparks and the sparks do have collision, but when i actually shoot with my gun against the wall, they don’t have any collision. This is only within my project, if i go to another project and another map, the particles still show when dragged and dropped into the map. i really need this feature back.

I want to be able to see the sparks colliding against surface when i shoot against the wall in play mode.


Hello Bruno_G,

Before investigating this issue further we would like to make sure you have Realtime rendering enabled. To do so go into your project you are working on and in the active viewport there is a drop down menu at the top left of the screen next to the Perspective and Lit options. Click the drop down box and be sure to enable the first check box which says “Realtime.” Another quicker way to enable or disable Realtime is to press “Ctrl + R.” Let me know if this was unchecked and the particles were inactive, or if it was checked and still not rendering your particles systems. I hope this helps!
