Current Setup:
I have 2 identical pawns, each pawn has identical Capsule Colliders.
The pawns have worldDynamic set to block.
I have a trace channel = clickable, set to block,. When user Clicks I use this channel to find the object.
bool bHit = controller->GetHitResultUnderCursor(ECollisionChannel::ECC_GameTraceChannel1, false, hitResult);
The rules:
The player is allowed to pick up any of the pawns and move them around, however they cannot drop the pawn if it overlaps with other one.
The pawns when dropped on the ‘board’ can fire at each other sending projectiles at each other.
For the projectiles to STOP at the pawns I have world Dynamic to set Block. (note: this does not stop them from actually overlapping if the user clicks and drags the mouse (where in the Tick Method I use setActorLocation() for grabbed object).
The problems:
If I have worldDynamic set to block, It seams I do not get overlaps events.
If I set worldDynamic to overlap, then my projectiles fly past the pawns (even when the onHit fires…by the time the projectile is ‘destroyed’ already flow through the pawn).
Is it not possible to get overlaps events when block is enabled?
if so, how? (C++ Please)