How to get Niagara Particle hit data for a Mesh with WPO/PivotPainter material?

Hi UE forum. I’m looking for a way how to create a trigger for a mesh (with animated material PivotPainter) by touch of a Niagara particle


  • 7 skeletal mesh with PivotPainter material

  • Niagara fountain GPUcompute on, Collision on, in GPU Depth Buffer mode

Niagara particles bounce off the skeletal meshes - everything works perfectly! (you can see on gif1)

I Want: for my mesh(animated by the material PivotPainter, I remind you) moved along the Z axis by -5 pixels, every time any of the fountain particles collides with it (for example)

I don’t understand at all how I can get hit data for my skeletal mesh – need to get data about which PivotPainterMesh the particle hit.

Now I have found absolutely nothing on Google on this issue, give me any advice please. maybe a script, maybe C++? mb idk what, sorry.
(the solution may require a lot of performance - that’s not a problem)


maybe the topic should be moved to
Unreal Engine/Asset Creation/FX
idk how will be better

gif2 – show collision, I think it’s obvious



Isn’t there a Niagara collision grandmaster on the forum? This data can be obtained somehow, please tell me how?