How to get nav mesh point closest to blocking actor?

I have a destructible object that blocks all movement, but it has a collider that deals with taking hits to destroy it. The problem is I can’t tell my AI to go to that object because it blocks the nav mesh, which I need it to do until destroyed. So I figure the best thing is to move the AI to the closest point on the nav mesh to that actor, but everything I try does not work.

I’ve tried ProjectPointToNavigation and GetRandomReachablePointInRadius with a rather large radius (large as the screen for testing sake) and both always have a false return. So it seams they always fail if the origin isn’t on the nav mesh. My last resort I think will be trying to use EQS for this, but I was hoping to avoid having to do a heavy query.

I should note this is happening in a StateTree Task, but I assume this shouldn’t matter.

Edit: Basically when I tell the AI to move to an actor and that actor isn’t on the nav mesh it of course causes the move call to fail and triggers the fail event. When this happens I need the closest safe location to move the AI to instead. It seams like EQS is the only reliable way to do this, but just checking if there’s a fast method.