First I would like to say that I have set up the navmesh. I placed targetpoints on the map and using blackboard and the behavior tree I am trying to get the bot to move between the target points. when I look at the tree I can see that the code is working and all of the points are updating but the bot will not move to the points.
Any help I could get would be much appreciated. I can take any screenshots you might need. Thanks
Based on the most rudimentary form of discovery; ‘The process of elimination’, It thus far is not possible. Good luck!
Your problem can cause by many reasons, screenshot will be useful, especially screenshot when Move task execute.
Here are the screenshots. Any info would be helpful.
I watched a few videos online as guides but I still can’t figure it out.
In your find route task, check the Finish Execution as success if not it will treat this one as fail and will not move on.
And 1 more thing, only if he find route then u mark as success if not just mark as fail, depend on how u want to handle.
I marked it as success but all it did was make the BT not move on to the MoveTo part. When it is unchecked the BT goes through Walk Speed, Find Routes, and Update Routes, but my bot character just wont move.
It almost seems like the built in MoveTo function is broken.
Test with simple BT with only move to to check if your AI can move, and check if your move target location is valid.
You can test you’re character movement, it’ll take 5 mins to make and AI BP no behaviour tree needed explained here.How can I implement random character movement in the character blueprint? - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums
So I made a very basic “move to location” and the bot still isnt moving. Any ideas as to why that is?
I will keep trying everything else.
Hi everyone,
Have you tried the AI bot tutorial listed on the wiki? Here is a link to the playlist:
This should show you how to set up and get your bots moving as you are looking for. The main thing is remembering how to properly set up the sequence of events in the Behavior tree properly. Good luck!
this is what I started out by using and it still didnt work… I will keep trying though
I copied the video exactly watching it 2 times now and it still is not working I don’t know what I am missing…
Are you placing your AI manually or are you using a spawner for each AI? If you are placing manually, try creating an AI spawner that spawns 1 bot and tell me if that works.
I have been placing it manually. Let me do that real fast and I will let you know.
I tried it with a poly skeleton from the pack I bought and it works. So it must have been the character that I had made. Thank you for all the help! I really appreciate it!
Hi Sletherot,
I am happy to hear that you were able to get your AI to work. I am going to mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If this problem ends up persisting, please comment again. Thank you!